Join us for the annual Falcon Hill Turkey Trot on Monday, Nov. 20

What a great day for Walk to School!!!! Thank you to Mr. Montes & Ms. Avers for coordinating today's event. A big shout out to City of Mesa and Mesa PD for coming out and joining us to walk to school! And we were so happy to see all the adults that came and joined their student in walking to school.

Falcon Hill families - We are happy to share that we plan to have the Challenge Island afterschool enrichment program joining us on campus again this year. Please check your email for the information flyer

Join us in celebrating the month of May with a “May Full of Memories”. Each day in the month of May will have a theme that students and staff will be able to participate in. We hope that everyone will join in the fun for as many days that they can. Be on the lookout for some fun pictures to be shared with our Firebird Family!!

It takes big hearts to shape little minds♥🎒 . We are still enrolling preschoolers in our morning & afternoon program at Falcon Hill. Visit mpsaz.org/KinderU or call 480-472-1067 to find out if your child qualifies for FREE tuition

Check out the latest edition of the Firebird Flash

Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2023/24 school year. Visit mpsaz.org/enroll or stop by the office to register your student.
We can't wait to welcome the Class of 2036!!!

Welcome Back Firebirds!!!!
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held Jan. 11 - 13. These days will be 12pm dismissal.

Firebird Families - Don't forget that tomorrow, Fri. Dec. 16, is a 12pm dismissal.
Please enjoy your Winter Break, Dec. 19 - Jan. 3 and we will see you back on Wed., January 4, 2023.

Falcon Hill families - After School Sports has been CANCELED today!! We are so sorry for the short notice but the field is too wet for us to have group today. Have a safe and wonderful winter break. See you January!

Falcon Hill Chess Club members - Please note that there will be no Chess Club this week - Tues., Dec. 13. Have a wonderful winter break!!

Falcon Hill Families - Join us Thursday Dec. 8 for the PTA Panda Express Fundraiser Day. This is your opportunity to help support Falcon Hill by ordering online from Panda Express. Online orders nationwide are eligible. Use fundraiser code 909783 when ordering online. This fundraiser is available all day on Thursday Dec. 8

A message from our friends at Red Mountain High School Girls Soccer:
The Red Mountain High School Girls Soccer program is hosting a youth soccer camp for 3rd-8th grade boys and girls. The camp will be Monday, December 19th and Tuesday, December 20th from 9am-12pm. This is a great opportunity to learn technical skills, play small-sided games, and have exposure to high school players and coaches. Not to mention it also gets the kids out and playing during the winter school break! For more information or to sign-up please email rmhsgirlssoccerbooster@gmail.com or use the following link: https://forms.gle/YV9QHCaqvXU896DU6.

Falcon Hill families don't forget that there is no school Nov. 23 - 25 for Thanksgiving break. We wish you all a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!!
See you Monday, Nov. 28

And the Turkey Trot Featherwinners are................Mrs. McDonnell from our teachers and Mr. Colin from the IAs. Join us Monday morning to see them lead the Turkey Trot!!!!! GOOBLE GOOBLE
5th grade 7:50 - 8:15
6th grade 8:25 - 8:50
Kindergarten/1st grade 9:00 - 9:25
2nd grade 9:35 - 10:00
4th grade 10:10 - 10:35 (please note 3rd and 4th grade times have changed)
3rd grade 10:45 - 11:05

Don't forget to purchase your Turkey Trot feathers!!!! The teacher/staff with the most feathers will be wearing the turkey suit and leading the Turkey Trot. Feathers will be for sale through Nov. 18 - 50 cents each or 2 for $1

So proud of our Firebirds for the excellent job on our lockdown drill this morning! We had an amazing time of 3 minutes to secure our campus. Way to go FIREBIRDS!!!!

Don't forget this Saturday, Nov. 5 is the Falcon Hill Fall Festival.
Join us from 11:30am - 2:00pm
There will be bounce houses, fun games, food trucks, vendors, and more.
Entry is free - wristbands for games and bounce houses will be available at the gate for $15.
Hope to see you there!!!

Falcon Hill Families don't forget that tomorrow, Tues. 10/25, is class picture day for all grade levels. It will also be retake day for individual photos. Can't wait to see all those smiling Firebirds. Have a great evening!

Falcon Hill families don't forget to join us tonight at 6pm for the monthly PTA meeting in the Media Center. There are lots of fun PTA activities coming up soon and we would love to have you involved. Hope to see you there!!!