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Gifted and Talented
The Gifted and Talented Program (GTP) is a pull-out program designed to challenge intellectually and academically gifted students. The goal is to extend critical and creative thinking skills and self-direction.
More about Gifted and Talented
Native American Education
The Native American Education Program (NAEP) consists of multi-funded, supplemental supports intended to meet the special academic and cultural needs of Native American students.
More about Native American Education
Paws & Peers
The goal of Paws & Peers is to provide a new way to incorporate lessons on social and emotional learning, resiliency, empathy and the human-animal bond for students and staff.
More about Paws & Peers
Project Based Learning
Project-based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire transferable knowledge.
More about PBL